Business and Assets for Sale for a Telecoms Surveyor and Auditors Company

Offer Deadline:

Monday 4 March 2024, 12pm GMT

Project Tower

The opportunity exists to purchase the business and assets of a well-established company that specialises as telecom surveyors and auditors.

Business Overview

  • The business specialises in telecom surveying and auditing
  • Established in 2015, it has an established client base across the major telecommunication providers nationwide
  • Operates from leasehold premises located in Warwickshire
  • 21 employees
  • Safe worker accreditations
  • This will likely be a sale out of administration and will require initial operating capital, with longer term investment to develop and grow the business

Financial Information

Assets Available for Sale

  • Leasehold Premises
  • Plant & Machinery
  • Goodwill/IPR
  • Furniture & Equipment
  • Customer Base – Stock
  • Contracts/Work in Progress
  • Motor Vehicles

It is understood that some items of plant & machinery and motor vehicles are subject to finance lease / hire purchase agreements. Copies of the respective agreements are available.

Sale Process and Further Information

All expressions of interest and offers must be submitted to Ian Bacon or Priya Ross at Hilco by Monday 4 March 2024, 12pm GMT. All offers should be supported by proof of funding and no late offers will be accepted. A purchaser must be able to complete immediately.

Further information will be made available upon the receipt and verification of an expression of interest together with a signed copy of our Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”). All enquiries, including requests for an NDA, should be directed to: Ian Bacon ( or Priya Ross ( of Hilco.


Ian Bacon MRICS

Managing Director

Birmingham Office

+44 (0) 7787 298755

Priya Ross

Associate Director

Birmingham Office

+44 (0) 7851 721381