Sustainable Premium Fashion Accessories Company

Offer Deadline:


Project Vogue

On behalf of the Joint Administrators, Hilco is delighted to offer for sale the business and assets of a manufacturer and retailer of designer bags and fashion accessories including belts, bracelets, and eyewear. The Company is recognised for its commitment to working with economically disadvantaged communities globally and using sustainable and recycled materials.

Please note that the brand/trading name is held under licence by the subject Company and does not form part of the assets being offered for sale.

  • Sales via online platforms
  • Company works with economically disadvantaged worldwide communities that manufacture the products
  • c. £250k of freely owned branded stock
  • Operating from a leasehold office in London, with a UK based third party logistics provider, and additional global warehouses
  • Knowledgeable team that embodies the business’s strong ethical and moral values
  • Customer database of c 10,000 entries
  • Web domain and social media accounts not available without benefit of licence
  • Turnover: 2022 c. £824k, 2021 c.£1.64m

Sale Process and Further Information

On receipt of a signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA), access will be provided to a virtual data room housing additional information. To access the NDA, please click the link, sign and return via email to




Southampton Office

+44 (0) 7513 830397

Nick Hughes MRICS

Senior Director

London Office

+44 (0) 7979 541238