Meet Tim Salter – Head of Our
New Southampton Office

We are delighted to have welcomed Tim Salter in 2022 as a Director of Machinery and Business. Tim is heading up our new Southampton office, located at Mountbatten House, Grosvenor Square, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 2JU. Thanks to Tim for taking the time to do a Q&A with us!

[1] Strangest asset you have ever valued? 

Pomegranate aril remover.

[2] How has the profession changed since you started?

Advances in technology have changed how we do our job hugely. That, and the area of business sales and valuations in distressed situations and the added potential value that was rarely considered years ago.

[3] Most important character trait for an MBA valuer?


[4] Highest price for the smallest item?

£500k for a £100 hard drive and a very valuable database on it!

[5] Most obscure client request?

Organise the removal of some peacocks and peahens from a farm.

[6] Funniest moment on site?

Any one of the numerous times in a food facility catching a glimpse in a mirror of a blue or pink hair net and suit combination.

[7] Best part of the job?

The buzz and satisfaction you get when you find a buyer for a distressed business otherwise facing closure.

[8] Oddest asset a funder has lent against?

Probably tenant’s improvements to walls and floors but there are lots of others.

[9] Oddest place you have been to on a valuation?

Finland just because it was SO cold (depths of winter) and involved a large plane and a small plane then a chauffeur driven car to inspect one, very large asset.

[10] What changes in the profession do you expect to see in the next decade?

There needs to be a change in how we attract young entrants to the profession and, in particular our rather niche little area, as there is a skill shortage that is only going to get worse. Another is one we are already seeing – a greater appreciation and promotion of our work. The world of valuing and selling assets plays an important part in growing the circular economy, encouraging sustainability and recycling.

[11]  Worst part of the job?

On occasions we have to be the messenger of bad news – be that a finance company with missing assets or a small supplier for whom an outstanding invoice that will not be paid that will have a significant impact.

[12] Best advice you could give someone entering the profession?

Don’t be put off by the negative image of business failures and closures, yes there are sad days when a company has come to the end of the road and has to close but these are not the only days and make the days when you get a good result so much more rewarding.

This Q&A first appeared in our Winter 2022 newsletter. Read more here.


If you would like to get in touch with Tim and learn about how our office in Southampton can assist, his contact details are below.



Machinery & Business Assets

Southampton Office

+44 (0) 7513 830397

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